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.Assessors' Agenda 03/10/2015
                       .ASSESSORS’ MEETING AGENDA

Meeting Date: March 10, 2015           6:00 P.M.              



Minutes of Meetings:
No meeting held February 24th due to lack of quorum
Minutes of meeting held February 10, 2015
No meeting held on January 27th, due to weather
Monthly List of MV Excise Abatements granted in February Levy of 2014 $87.50
Monthly List of MV Excise Abatements granted in February Levy of 2015 $524.06
Monthly list of Exemptions granted in February Levy of 2015 $400.00
Exemption application

Discussion / Review:

FY2015 Abatement or Exemption applications,  
Appraisal for 8 Hamilton Drive faxed as appeal to abatement denial
Office visit from L Satkowski as appeal to abatement denial

Draft of Visitors Code of Conduct, continue discussion of harassment
Draft of Letter to Springfield Girls Club

HHCAA Spring Seminar April 8, in Holyoke
VISION User group conference May 27, 28 & 29th
ZBA notice of hearing February 23, 2015, demo and rebuild new house at 7 Massaconnic Trail
Any other issue that comes before the Board

The items listed which may be discussed at the meeting are those reasonably anticipated by the chair. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.
Next scheduled meeting Tuesday March 24, 2015 6:00 P.M.